Start your ASIC Application

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What now?

An email will be sent to, which will contain the application form and all the information you need to apply.

1. Request application

2. Return completed application

3. ASIC to contact you to start the accreditation process

Need more information about ASIC or Accreditation? Contact us by clicking here

What is ASIC International Accreditation?

ASIC Accreditation is a world-class quality standard that can transform your institution's attitude towards quality assurance and boost your international standing and profile. Learn more.

What are the benefits of holding ASIC International Accreditation?

Our Standards benchmark against rigorous UK quality markers whilst also drawing on global best-practice, helping you develop your internationalisation goals, grow your student recruitment, and showcase your commitment to providing quality international education. Read more about the benefits.

What types of institution does ASIC accredit, and is my institution eligible to apply?

We accredit all types of education providers, from higher education institutions to secondary or K-12 provision to specialist business schools. Find out more here.

Do you accredit new start-up institutions without students?

Yes, we accredit newly operating institutions - who will go through the process up to the first inspection (Stage 2), where (if successful) they will be awarded Interim for up to a year. Depending on what stage of development your institution is currently in, you may find other services more appropriate, such as consultancy, ASIC Membership, or Candidacy Accreditation. If you get in touch with us, we can help you choose which of our services are right for you at the current point in your journey.

We are an online institution; why are you asking for a physical address?

  1. Send you any documentation relating to your accreditation (including, if accredited, the certificate and report).
  2. Some online institutions operate a blended learning model. In this case, ASIC needs to know the physical address the institution operates from as part of the inspection process.
  3. An online institution may have an office but no physical premises from which they teach (again, this information is needed as this forms part of the inspection process).

Are there minimum qualification requirements for staff?

  • For the head of the institution, we would expect that they hold either a higher degree (Masters or Doctorate) or have substantial industrial, business, or commercial experience.
  • All teaching staff should hold a qualification equivalent to or above the level of the subject they teach. (Teachers/lecturers are not required to possess a formal teaching qualification, but this would be beneficial.)

Are there minimum requirements for the size of the institution/number of classrooms?

Not as such, but the space provided should be suitable for purpose and be compliant with fire and health and safety regulations (in your country). If you contact the ASIC Office, we can help answer more specific questions.

How do you calculate Full-Time Equivalents (FTEs)?

FTEs are determined by what your institution classes as full-time (attending lectures or classes for 15 hours, 20 hours, or more a week) for the length of the academic year (which depends on how you operate your term time).

For example:

  • 1 FTE = 1 student, 20 hours a week, for 40 weeks.
  • Or, to make 1 FTE with part-time students = 2 students, 10 hpw, for 40 weeks
  • Or, if the part-time courses are shorter than the full-time courses, 1 FTE = 4 students, 10 hpw, for 20 weeks.

What is the accreditation process, and how long does it take?

You can read about the process and stages here.

The timeline can vary:

  • If the application and documentation are submitted correctly, and you respond to our communications promptly and have dates available for inspection, it can take as little as six weeks.
  • If the application and documentation are incomplete or we find that your response to our communication is slow/there is difficulty in confirming dates for inspection, then it can take months. We recommend that you talk to our team before submitting the application form, and they can help you make sure that you progress smoothly through the accreditation stages.

What happens during an inspection?

You can read about what our inspectors need to see at each stage here. Or go to the Inspections section of the ASIC Handbook.

What are the fees for ASIC Intl Accreditation?

For an international institution, the accreditation fees start from £5,000 and vary depending on the type and size of provision. You can read more about the process and timeline of fees required at each stage here.

To receive a tailored quotation, fill in the enquiry form - and we will get back to you within two working days to either advise of expected fees (or recommend a different service such as Membership or Candidacy).

Our fees are ethical and transparent, and there are no hidden costs (we will always advise of expected inspector travel and accommodation expenses beforehand). Once a formal quote is issued, it remains valid for six months.

How much is the annual fee?

The annual fee is dependent on the size of your institution. Please see above regarding fees. We offer a generous discount of 25% if you pay the full accreditation cycle upfront – resulting in one year free.

Why is the accreditation period 4 years?

The 4-year improvement cycle is:

  • Enough time to implement and benefit from the recommendations we suggest to your operation
  • Value for investment
  • Non-intrusive to your daily operation
  • In alignment with the expectations of other organisations and regulatory bodies worldwide
  • Increases accountability, leading to better outcomes

Does ASIC give an institution awarding powers or validate degrees/courses/programmes?

No, ASIC inspections include an examination of the content and standard of the curriculum as well as the quality of its delivery to learners. We also pay close attention to the consistency and reliability of assessment. We will also check that you have appropriate awarding powers for the courses on offer at the institution. However, it should be noted that ASIC neither confers nor validates degree-awarding powers. Applicants for distance education programmes should always satisfy themselves that the level of recognition of a relevant award is sufficient to meet their needs.

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