Annual Returns Update for UK Institutions
All ASIC Accredited institutions are required to complete an Annual Return each year over the four-year accreditation period.
The information collected serves the dual purpose of assisting with quality assurance checks at individual institutions throughout the accreditation cycle - and keeps ASIC up-to-date with relevant changes to institutional operations and key data points. The Annual Returns provide valuable insight into the educational landscape that our accredited institutions cover, helping to inform ASIC of trends and changes over time.
Change to timeline of delivery
The change will come into effect at the beginning of January 2025.
Currently, Annual Returns are sent out when the Annual Fee is due for each individual institution. Earlier this year, to coincide with other internal system improvements, an update to the process was announced in the ASIC Newsletter.
Annual Returns will now be sent at the same time each year (January) for all institutions. The change will reduce the administrative burden of the process, streamlining and improving communications between the ASIC and its institutions.
Improvements are also being made to improve the data collection process and better reflect the information required.

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