Manado Independent School
Premier Institution
Welcome to Manado Independent School! An internationally accredited institution in North Sulawesi that is recognized by the National Ministry of Education for our Collaborative Educational System (SPK) across all levels.
Manado Independent School (MIS) is a private Christian institution providing quality education from Nursery to Grade 12. It is the first school in the region recognized for its global educational standards and has been granted an international school license by the National Education Department.
MIS holds an "A" (excellent) classification from the National Accrediting Body of Indonesia. The school directly partners with Cambridge International Examinations and Oxford International AQA Examinations. Moreover, MIS is among the few schools licensed by the Ministry of National Education to operate under the collaborative education system (SPK - Satuan Pendidikan Kerjasama).
Contact this institution
Manado Independent School
Jl. Walanda Maramis, Kolongan-Tetempangan,
Kalawat, North Minahasa,
North Sulawesi, Indonesia

Dedicated to the continual improvement of education.
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